
Be yourself

get rid of all the restrictions and conventions holding you back. People love to speak into your life and judge what’s good and what you should not do or be. But remember you are perfectly made, your purpose is not to be there for people and it’s not what others say. You can find it in yourself. Deep inside you there is already everything you are. You don’t have to add things or people to your life. You are so rich in personality and your character is right before breaking out of all that shit around you. Maybe you stand in front of a broken life. That’s good, now you have the opportunity to restart. Try as good as possible to burn old thoughts about yourself. You are a good creation, a masterpiece. 

People will try to tear you down and hold you back from who you really are, because it will change their lives as well. You are a projection of their wishes and needs. Don’t forget, it’s not about who you really are but about about what you add to their lives. But you are not created for that. Understand me right, it’s okay to add something good to others lives, but never deny or sacrifice yourself. 

Remember you are beautiful, you are perfectly made, you have a purpose that will satisfy you completely, you deserve good, you deserve being yourself without any excuses.


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